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PCB testing conducts various tests on printed circuit boards to verify their quality and performance, to ensure accurate troubleshooting of any defects or problems that may occur during the production process of PCBs, to determine whether they can meet specification performance, while improving overall efficiency and reducing final cost.
There are several PCB testing services that POE can provide, including:

Manual/appearance Inspection

We have experienced PCB inspectors who add artificial visual inspection to multiple tests to ensure that PCBs and their components are thoroughly inspected to ensure product quality.

PCB Manual/appearance inspection

Microsections Inspection

Slice inspection of PCBs is performed by cutting the board into thin slices for observation and analysis to find potential problems and defects.
Slice inspection is often performed in the early stages of board manufacturing to ensure that problems in the design and manufacturing process are detected and corrected in a timely manner. This method can check out problems such as soldering, interlayer connections, electrical precision, etc. When Performing biopsy inspection, a microscope or scanning electron microscope is usually used to observe and analyze the slices.

PCB Microsections Inspection

PCB Electrical Testing

PCB electrical testing can help confirm whether the electrical parameters and performance of the circuit board meet expectations, and can also detect possible defects and problems.
PCB electrical testing usually includes connectivity testing, resistance testing, capacity testing, impedance testing, signal integrity testing, power consumption testing.
PCB electrical testing can use different test equipment and test methods, such as test fixtures, digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, etc. Test results will be documented in a test report for evaluation and adjustment of the board.

PCB electrical testing

AOI Test

AOI test (Automated Optical Inspection) is a method of automatic inspection of printed circuit boards through optical means, which can be used to quickly detect defects and problems in the manufacturing process of printed circuit boards, avoid errors in product manufacturing, and improve the quality of printed circuit boards. Quality and reliability, reduce failure rate, but also improve manufacturing efficiency and product yield.
In the AOI test, use specific inspection equipment, such as high-resolution cameras, light sources, and image processing software, to scan and capture images of the manufactured PCB, and then compare the captured images with the preset templates. Yes, so as to automatically detect possible defects and problems, including solder joints, components, short circuits and open circuits, precision, surface defects, etc.

PCB Automated Optical Inspection


ICT (In-Circuit Test) is used to detect the electronic components and circuit connection performance on the circuit board. ICT testing can be carried out at different stages in the PCB production process, such as after the PCB is manufactured, before or after component mounting, and can detect and correct problems on the circuit board in time and deal with them in a timely manner.
ICT testing uses specialized test equipment and software to automate the testing of electronic components and connectors on PCBs. The test equipment contacts the test points on the circuit board through probes and clips to detect the electrical characteristics of the electronic components on the circuit board, such as resistance, capacitance, inductance, transistors, etc. Shorts, opens, and other connection problems on the board can also be detected to ensure that the board's electrical connections perform as designed.

PCB In-Circuit Test

Flying Probe Test

Flying Probe Test uses an automated probe system to test the circuit connections and functions on the PCB. This method of testing does not require expensive test fixtures and programming time, but instead uses probes that can be moved to touch the PCB surface to test the circuit's connectivity and other parameters.
Flying Probe Test is a non-contact testing technique, so any area of the board can be tested, including small and dense boards. The advantages of this test method are low test cost, short test time, and easy flexible circuit design changes and fast sample testing.

PCB Flying Probe Test

Functional Circuit Test

Functional Circuit Test is a method of functionally testing a PCB to verify that its design meets specifications and requirements. It is a comprehensive test method that can be used to check the performance, signal quality, circuit connectivity and other functions of PCBs.
Functional Circuit Test is usually performed after PCB wiring is completed, it uses test fixtures and test programs to simulate the actual operating conditions of the PCB, and tests the response of the PCB in different operating modes. The test program can be implemented by software programming, and can test various functions of the PCB, including input/output, timing, power supply voltage, current and other parameters. At the same time, the page can detect many potential problems of the PCB, such as short circuit, open circuit, wrong connection, etc., and can find and repair these problems in time to ensure the performance and reliability of the PCB.
Functional Circuit Test is a customized test method that requires programming and test fixture design for each PCB. Therefore, the cost is relatively high, but it can provide more comprehensive, accurate and reliable test results.

pcb functional circuit test