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Should I choose lead solder?

Although lead solder is gradually being replaced by lead-free solder, it is still the most commonly used solder at present. So under what circumstances would you choose lead solder?
Should I choose lead solder?
26 June 2024
Views: 194
Although lead solder is gradually being replaced by lead-free solder, it is still the most commonly used solder at present. So under what circumstances would you choose lead solder?

Should I choose lead solder?

1.Repair of old equipment
Old audio equipment, televisions, and computers were assembled with lead solder at the time. When repairing these devices, using the same type of solder can avoid incompatibility issues between different types of solder.

2.Aerospace field
Aerospace equipment operates in extreme temperature and vibration environments. The expansion coefficient of lead solder is close to that of copper, and it has a high degree of matching with PCB ingredients. After assembly, the mechanical stress is small, it is more stable and reliable, and the electrical properties are basically constant in the range of -54°C to 125°C. Lead solder has good thermal fatigue resistance and mechanical strength, and can provide more stable welding quality under these harsh conditions.

3.High-density interconnect (HDI) board
High-density interconnect boards have finer wires and denser solder joint layouts, which are difficult to weld. The good fluidity and wettability of lead solder make it easier to form stable solder joints in these high-density areas, reducing the occurrence of soldering defects.

4.Prototyping and testing
During the prototyping and testing phase of electronic products, engineers need to frequently change and adjust circuits. The low melting point and easy operation of lead solder make it more convenient in these situations, enabling faster soldering and desoldering operations.

5.Academic research
In academic research, researchers usually need to conduct a large number of experiments and tests. The ease of use and reliability of lead solder can improve experimental efficiency and reduce operational difficulty.

6.Low-temperature soldering
In applications that require low-temperature soldering, the low melting point characteristics of lead solder make it the best choice, which can avoid high temperature damage to sensitive components.

7.Short product life cycle
For consumer products that are quickly updated, lead solder has a lower cost.

8.The product will not come into direct contact with the human body
For example, some industrial controls or internal wiring of equipment, the lead generated is far away from the human body.

9.The product does not enter markets with strict environmental requirements such as the EU
If it does not enter the EU market, its lead element will have little impact on the environment during its service life.

10.Cost guarantee The profit requirements of working partners are very high
Some low-end products require lower solder costs to maintain the profits of disassemblers.

11.Disposable products that cannot be recycled after product packaging
Such as batteries or disposable devices, which are directly discarded after use and will not pollute the environment.

12.Users force the use of lead solder.
A few users force the use of lead solder according to their own standards, and can temporarily choose lead solder to avoid losing orders.

Although the world is gradually transitioning to lead-free solder, lead solder is still an irreplaceable choice in certain specific situations.
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