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Common problems in tin spraying in PCB manufacturing

Spray tinning is a surface treatment process in the PCB manufacturing process, which forms a protective layer on the PCB for rust prevention and coating. However, there are some common problems in the spray tinning process. Let's take a look at them together.
Common problems in tin spraying in PCB manufacturing
25 June 2024
Views: 164
Spray tinning is a surface treatment process in the PCB manufacturing process, which forms a protective layer on the PCB for rust prevention and coating. However, there are some common problems in the spray tinning process. Let's take a look at them together.

Problem Description: Too much moisture in the board.

Accepted standards: Not accepted
Problem Description: Insufficient air knife pressure or foreign matter in the hole causes tin plug hole

Accepted standards:
1. Component holes are not acceptable;
2. SMT BGA vias are not acceptable;
3. Via plugs at other locations are acceptable if they are not higher than the pads.
Problem Description: White spots on the board surface may occur due to tin spraying hitting the board, multiple rework or excessive temperature.

Accepted standards:
1. The wire spacing is not lower than the minimum wire spacing value;
2. The distance between white spots does not exceed 50% of the distance between the conductive patterns of adjacent non-commonly connected circuits;
3. The white spots on the edge of the board will not reduce the minimum distance between the edge of the board and the conductive pattern; if not specified, it shall not be greater than 2.5MM;
4. The simulated thermal test is not expanded.
Problem Description:Excessive micro-etching may be caused by too much micro-etching, too many times of tin spraying rework or too slow micro-etching speed.

Accepted standards: Not accepted
Problem Description: The tin spray air knife is scratched or the employee's improper operation causes scratches.

Accepted standards: The abrasion area should be within 6.35mm*6.35mm, and there should be no more than 3-5 scratches on the same side.
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