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36 abbreviations of common PCB nouns

In the PCB industry, there are some professional vocabulary abbreviations that many people do not understand. Here we have compiled 36 common PCB vocabulary abbreviations.
36 abbreviations of common PCB nouns
26 March 2024
Views: 450

In the PCB industry, there are some professional vocabulary abbreviations that many people do not understand. Here we have compiled 36 common PCB vocabulary abbreviations.

LPI: Liquid Photo Imageable Solder Mask
OSP: Organic Solderability Preservative
PTI: Proof Tracking Index
CTI: Comparative Tracking Index
HASL: Hot Air Solder Leveling
HAL: Hot Air Leveling
CCL: Copper-clud laminat
CNS: Chinese National Standards
BGA: Ball Grid Array
BUM: Build-up Multilayer
CFR: Code of Federal Regularations
AQL: Acceptable Quality Level
LDI: Laser Direct Imaging
HDI: High Density Interconnection
CAD: Computer Aided Design
CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAT: Computer Aided Testing
FPC: Flexible Printed Circuit
PCB: Printed Circuit Board
PWB: Printed Wiring Board
PTH: Plated Through Hole
SMT: Surface Mount Technology
SMB: Surface Mount Board
SMD: Surface Mount Devices
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commision
IPC: The Institute for International and Packaging Electronic Circuits
MIL: Military Standard。
IC: Integrated Circuit
LSI: Large Scale Integrated Circuit
JPC: Japan Printed Circuit Association
UL: Under writers Laboratories INC
SMOBC: Solder Mask on Bare Copper
AOI: Automated Optical Inspection
SPC: Statistical Process Control
SQC: Statistical Quality Control
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